Mit dem LIFT kannst du von Beginn an alle Übungen technisch sauber trainieren, auch wenn dir noch die nötige Kraft fehlt. Der LIFT funktioniert folgendermaßen: Du hängst Gewichte an, um dich leichter zu machen und deine somit Übungen an dein eigenes Kraftniveau anpassen.
So hast du eine super Progression und kannst dich konstant steigern - egal ob es um den ersten Klimmzug, den ersten Muscle Up oder fortgeschrittene Calisthenics-Übungen wie die Planche geht. Mit dem LIFT geht alles. Es war noch nie so einfach, deinen Körper zu meistern.
Der LIFT ist für jede statische Übung geeignet und teilweise auch für dynamische Übungen, bei denen du dich nicht um die eigene Achse drehen musst.
Anmerkung: Dir stehen zwei verschiedene Größen zur Verfügung. Die Größe bezieht sich auf den Umfang des Hüftgurts und somit auf deinen Hüftumfang.
The LIFT suspends the laws of physics, so to speak. It really doesn't matter where you are or what level you are at. The LIFT can help you get your first pull-up, or help you learn the most killer calisthenics skills.

With the LIFT you can achieve a very fine progression. You work with weights that make you lighter. You steadily reduce this "auxiliary weight".
A simple example: You want to do your first pull-up. You hang 15kg per side and start. After a few training sessions you manage 6 pull-ups. Then you reduce the auxiliary weight to, for example, 12.5kg per side and so on.
Only high quality components

The hip belt is equipped with 2 quick-release buckles, making it easy to put on the belt. You can believe us when we say that we have really tried out many harnesses. In our opinion, this harness is the easiest and most comfortable to use.

The carabiners come from climbing accessories and are also used in this design for mountaineering. They have no sharp edges, which increases the service life of the ropes. There are 2 ball bearings in the pulleys. This means that they always work smoothly and evenly.

The ropes also come from the climbing sport and have a diameter of 8mm. They are resistant and supple at the same time. They work perfectly with the pulleys. The ropes are long enough to perform all exercises and short enough not to be a nuisance.
Customer testimonials
Delivery and assembly
You have questions?
Simply make an appointment with our founder Maxim that suits you.
We are the only supplier totally dedicated to the sport of Calisthenics. Calisthenics is in our DNA and in the DNA of our products. You can see and feel that. We listen to the feedback of the calisthenics community and constantly develop the products further.