The CUBE KIT is the king of calisthenics training equipment. On the CUBE KIT you can train every exercise imaginable. Without compromises. You can also completely customize the CUBE KIT to suit you and your training. You can place all bars and handles as you need them. And with additional extensions, there are no more limits to your training.
- Delivery time 3-10 working days within Germany.
- Delivery time 7-21 working days outside Germany.
Mit der Calisthenics Station CUBE KIT bieten wir die perfekte Alternative zum Calisthenics Park - egal ob Indoor oder Outdoor - unsere Geräte sind aus robustem und hochwertigem Stahl und Aluminium gefertigt. Ein Trainingsgerät, welches uns auf kleinster Fläche alles trainieren lässt. Das war die Geburtsstunde des CUBE KIT. Vor über fünf Jahren.

Calisthenics Station: Der hochwertige Calisthenics-Park für zuhause
Für normale Menschen ist es nur ein zwei auf zwei Meter großer Würfel. Für Calisthenics-Athleten ist es Liebe auf den ersten Blick. Zahlreiche Trainingsmöglichkeiten für dein Workout im Außenbereich, im eigenen Garten oder im Fitnesskeller.

Ein ganzer Fitnesspark für dein Bodyweight Training: Perfekt für Muskelaufbau und Körperbeherrschung für sogut wie jede Calisthenics Übung.
"The CUBE KIT offers everything I know from a calisthenics park. The bars have the right diameter and the grip is great. The CUBE KIT is extremely stable and never wobbles. But what I like best is that I can adjust everything to suit me: Every height and width. Perfect!"

The advantages of our products

You can adjust our training equipment infinitely and individually to suit you. For all other training needs, we have our extensions. You can find them below.

The numerous poles and stiffeners make our products super stable even without anchoring. The materials are also designed for very high loads.

Our training equipment is very simple to assemble. Four profiles form the base. All profiles and bars are fixed with two angles and four screws respectively.
Customer testimonials

You have questions?
Simply make an appointment with our founder Maxim that suits you.
The founder introduces the product
We are the only supplier totally dedicated to the sport of Calisthenics. Calisthenics is in our DNA and in the DNA of our products. You can see and feel that. We listen to the feedback of the calisthenics community and constantly develop the products further.